Customer 05865760
lost $3.62 in FTX
Token | Amount | Value |
BRZ | 0.0000000026030049 | $0.00 |
BTC | 0.0000000015797992 | $0.00 |
CHZ | 0.0000000039132462 | $0.00 |
MATIC | 3.2036618444099698 | $3.62 |
USD | 0.0000000101237347 | $0.00 |
Token | Amount | Value |
BRZ | 0.0000000026030049 | $0.00 |
BTC | 0.0000000015797992 | $0.00 |
CHZ | 0.0000000039132462 | $0.00 |
MATIC | 3.2036618444099698 | $3.62 |
USD | 0.0000000101237347 | $0.00 |
You will receive an email from Kroll, the liquidator, by March 31 if you had funds in FTX. The email will contain your "Customer code".